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Green Funerals

An Eco-Friendly Choice

Here at Ruby Memorial Home, we understand the importance of honoring your loved ones while also respecting the environment. Green funerals, also known as eco-friendly or natural funerals, offer a sustainable way to celebrate a life lived with a reduced environmental impact. Here’s what you need to know about green funerals and how they can be a meaningful choice for you and your family.

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What is a Green Funeral?

A green funeral is an environmentally conscious approach to funerals that focuses on reducing the ecological footprint associated with traditional funeral practices. This can involve various eco-friendly practices and alternatives, from biodegradable materials to natural burial sites.

Key Elements of a Green Funeral

  1. Biodegradable Caskets and Urns:
    • Traditional caskets often contain metal, varnish, and other materials that are not environmentally friendly. Green funerals use caskets made from natural, biodegradable materials such as bamboo, wicker, or untreated wood.
    • Biodegradable urns for cremated remains are also available, designed to break down naturally and safely over time.
  2. Natural Burial Grounds:
    • Natural or green burial grounds are cemeteries designed to have minimal impact on the environment. These sites often prohibit the use of concrete vaults, allowing the body to decompose naturally and contribute to the ecosystem.
    • Grave markers are usually natural objects like rocks or trees, or they may be entirely absent to maintain the natural landscape.
  3. Eco-Friendly Embalming:
    • Traditional embalming fluids contain formaldehyde and other harmful chemicals. In green funerals, non-toxic, biodegradable embalming fluids are used, or the process may be skipped entirely to avoid environmental contamination.
  4. Sustainable Memorial Options:
    • Consider planting a tree or creating a garden in memory of your loved one. These living memorials not only honor the deceased but also contribute positively to the environment.
    • Memorial services can include elements such as wildflower seed packets for guests to plant, contributing to local biodiversity.
  5. Minimalist Approach:
    • Green funerals often emphasize simplicity and minimalism. This can include opting for simple, natural ceremonies without elaborate decorations or excessive use of resources.

Benefits of Green Funerals

  • Environmental Impact: Reduces the carbon footprint and promotes sustainability by using natural, biodegradable materials and avoiding harmful chemicals.
  • Cost-Effective: Green funerals can often be more affordable than traditional funerals due to the simplicity and use of natural materials.
  • Personal and Meaningful: Many families find green funerals to be a more personal and meaningful way to honor their loved ones, aligning with their values of sustainability and environmental stewardship.

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